Ellis’ Travel Tips – Tip 2

June 13, 2024

So many people are going to be flying this summer! In fact, for Memorial Day, they said we broke records with the number of people that were flying, and it’s probably going to be that way all summer long.

So, my travel tip this week is to fly on the days when fewer people are flying. Try to plan your departure and return flights on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. Airports will be less crowded, and the lines will be shorter because everybody wants to fly on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

You can also save money flying on those days. Airlines often lower their prices midweek, so you might find better deals on tickets. Additionally, less crowded flights mean a more comfortable travel experience with less stress and more available seats. You’ll have a better chance of avoiding delays and cancellations that can be more common on peak travel days. Happy travels!