Ellis’ Travel Tips – Tip 5

July 3, 2024

Your family might be planning a summer trip, perhaps even something special for the Fourth of July. When my family takes a trip, we put a lot of effort into planning and expect things to go perfectly. However, unexpected events are inevitable—that’s just life. You might miss a connecting flight or encounter an issue with the hotel.

Don’t let a mishap ruin your trip. Whatever happens, it’s all part of the adventure. Embrace it. The key is to maintain a positive attitude no matter what comes your way.

For instance, my wife and I were in Ireland with a rental car when we got a flat tire. We found ourselves stuck on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere. I was frustrated and started to grumble, but then I asked Hope to take a picture of us on the side of the road, capturing me trying to change the tire. Even though it was stressful at the time, we now look back at those pictures and laugh.

So, just remember: whatever happens, keep a positive attitude and make it a great trip!