Ellis’ Travel Tips – Tip 6

July 10, 2024

Summer travel is off the charts this year! Everyone seems to be going somewhere. This past Sunday, airlines recorded their busiest travel day ever.

So, if your family is traveling, expect crowds! It’s going to be difficult to avoid them. But, I have one tip that may help: go early or go late.

If you can arrive at your destination nice and early, maybe even before they open, it might help. The crowds aren’t as crazy because most people don’t want to start their day super early while they’re on vacation. If you’re not an early riser, consider going later in the day. Everyone tends to go mid-morning, so if you go in the mid to late afternoon, a lot of the crowds (or lines) should be dying down.

For example, at our theme parks, I always get there before they even open and try to get on the most popular rides before the crowds really show up. Additionally, you can use apps to check wait times and plan your visit to less crowded attractions during peak hours.

This way, you can make the most of your trip without spending too much time in line or navigating the crowds.