Teen-Tested, Parent-Approved Boredom Busters

May 20, 2024

Family time is crucial, but things can get sticky when trying to find activities that the whole family will enjoy, especially when you have stubborn teenagers to add to the mix. This summer, turn eyerolls into smiles and unlock the secret to engaging your teen in family fun. Maximize family time with these five activities that will entertain even the moodiest of teens so you don’t have to hear your teen say “I’m booored.”

Shenanigans and Spices
Grab your aprons and fire up the oven! Now is the perfect time to get your teens in the kitchen to sharpen their culinary skills. To convince your teen to join you in the kitchen, remind them of the added bonus that you get to eat anything you create. To keep your teen engaged, embrace the silly mistakes that come with trying something new. Remember to laugh about burnt food and spilled milk to remind your teen to not take life to seriously. Not only will this be a fun activity that the entire family can join in on, but it will also give you the opportunity to teach your teen an essential life skill without them even noticing. You never know, they may just surprise you with breakfast in bed or a gourmet dinner one day. Once their skills are up to par, challenge them to a little friendly cook off for an extra fun family activity. Loser has to do the dishes!

Game On
You’re never too old for a family game night. Stick to classic board games or shake up game night with active games like charades or Pictionary. Get your teen engaged in the fun by offering to play one of their video games. Turn the night into a full blown tournament and play round after round to see who can come out victorious.

Lend a Helping Hand
Make the most of your teen’s free time this summer and get a head start on knocking out some volunteer hours. Give back to community by volunteering at foodbanks, libraries, and shelters. Search for local volunteer programs that interest your teen so they can get the most out of completing their hours. Turn your teen’s volunteer work into a family outing by inviting the whole family so your teen doesn’t feel alone in the process. Even the little ones can join in with programs like U.S. Hunger which has a job for the every family member.

Fam Jam
If your teen is typically accompanied by a singing set of headphones, they may enjoy this next activity. Search for local community webpages for live music events to satisfy their inner songbird. Find events that have something for the whole family. Try going to farmer’s markets and local festivals that have live music, vendors, food trucks and games. You can shop for unique handmade items, munch on tasty treats, and challenge your family to a friendly competition of cornhole while listening to local artists perform.

Hit the Field
Get your head in the game! Stay active during the off season by enrolling your teen in local sports programs or take them to a local sports complex and play with them. Reverse the roles and give your teen the opportunity teach you something new by trying out their sport for a change. Another great way to engage the entire family in a sporty activity this summer is by choosing a unique sport that no one in the family has tried yet. Take on the challenge of testing your family’s skills on the newly popular pickleball courts or take a swing at golf.

By: Jenna Greaves