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Kevin Adams
FIT Books is a local Christian Book & Gift Shop located in Ocoee - in the former Family Christian location in the same plaza as Michael's, Pet Smart and Best Buy.
Detailed Description

FIT Books exists to see the Kingdom of God expanded by helping churches equip followers of Jesus to engage in community transformation. FIT Books actively invests in helping the hurting and setting captives free (John 8:32).FIT Books is a locally owned and operated Christian Bookstore located in the Orlando area. FIT Books is owned by Kevin Adams, who has spent the past 25+ years in Church and Christian School ministry. Kevin is a lover of books with a personal library of thousands. FIT Books carries a full line of traditional and contemporary Books, Bibles, Gifts and more (including Children and Baby toys/gifts, wall art, frames, gifts for the kitchen, house, and more) to encourage you in your faith. FIT Books can place special orders and bulk orders (with discounts) and can even drop ship (at no charge) select items to churches when ordered in case lots/minimums. FIT Books is unique in that we also stock Spanish, French, Creole, Portuguese, Chinese, & Arabic Bibles/Books and can special order in more than 75 other languages as well. FIT Books has a growing used books section as well as a community room/study area - and some comfy chairs to rest your weary feet (because there's SO much to see)!FIT Books is Equipping the Church & Engaging the Community!